11.   Circulating concentrations are low, but high concentrations are found within platelet granules.

12.   The concentration range of deoxycholate used in these studies spans that normally found within the colonic lumen.

13.   The heterogeneity of proliferative patterns found within the high risk population used for this study is not surprising.

14.   Hybrid strategies perform the scan over some specified initial portion of the utterance and work middle-out from any seed words found within this region.

15.   However, brochures may be of varying kinds and history found within them in a variety of guises.

16.   The sternest critics of religion have often been found within religions.

17.   The car was stolen on Christmas Eve, and found within hours.

18.   Within you can find everything from a pain de campagne to a hot take-away pizza.

19.   The PPT single stranded DNA element is found within a stem-loop structure in the DNA.

20.   An additional question is whether John Hancock Emerging Growth is the best fund you could find within the small-cap category.

v. + within >>共 790
stay 3.03%
expect 3.01%
die 2.64%
work 2.49%
complete 2.33%
hold 1.98%
live 1.92%
occur 1.78%
operate 1.67%
begin 1.61%
find 0.78%
find + p. >>共 136
with 15.60%
near 8.59%
under 4.88%
inside 4.85%
among 4.40%
in 3.51%
during 3.37%
outside 3.14%
after 3.11%
as 2.58%
within 1.53%
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