11.   The drought greatly reduced hay production in Georgia.

12.   The drought has reduced the level of Lake Gatun, which feeds the canal.

13.   Vietnam faces severe power shortages this year because drought is reducing the output of its hydroelectric plants, the official Vietnam News said Wednesday.

14.   The report said food stocks were being rapidly depleted in southern Africa where drought has seriously reduced crop output.

15.   Two Israeli brothers from Kibbutz Ginnosar stumbled on Hellenistic coins on the seabed nine years ago when drought reduced the water level.

16.   Record harvests are expected in countries across west Africa except in Cape Verde where output will be seriously reduced by drought.

n. + reduce >>共 1392
company 4.39%
government 3.52%
step 2.01%
rate 1.64%
drug 1.45%
dollar 1.28%
bank 1.16%
change 1.08%
plan 1.03%
system 1.03%
drought 0.33%
drought + v. >>共 189
be 17.58%
cause 5.36%
force 4.72%
hit 3.97%
affect 3.64%
continue 3.54%
end 2.79%
have 1.93%
reduce 1.71%
mean 1.61%
每页显示:    共 16