1.   However, breeders have been taking steps to reduce calving problems and also to breed longer, taller animals.

2.   Zoos have been advised by the Ministry of Agriculture to take steps to reduce the risk of infection.

3.   They must also take steps to reduce the need for children to be brought before a court or placed in secure accommodation.

4.   For both environmental and economic reasons we should be taking every possible step to reduce road traffic.

5.   And he will say that China must take painful steps to reduce pollution that is damaging the health of its people and contributing to global warming.

6.   As a result of the meeting, the bank took steps to reduce any risk it would face if it reached any arrangement with the Thais.

7.   At the meeting, the government announced it will be taking steps to reduce imports, encourage exports and restore stability to the currency market.

8.   At that time, the lieutenant governor said he was taking steps to reduce his indebtedness.

9.   Auto makers declined on concerns that Brazil may take steps to reduce import quotas for Argentine cars.

10.   About a week ago, both Israelis and Palestinian officials say, Arafat ordered the Fatah militants to take steps to reduce civilian casualties.

n. + reduce >>共 1392
company 4.39%
government 3.52%
step 2.01%
rate 1.64%
drug 1.45%
dollar 1.28%
bank 1.16%
change 1.08%
plan 1.03%
system 1.03%
step + v. >>共 801
be 31.70%
improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
make 1.70%
reduce 1.42%
help 1.23%
forward 1.02%
每页显示:    共 97