11.   And Jordan did exactly what they feared, dribbling to the foul line, pulling up to lose defender Bryon Russell and draining a jumper.

v. + jumper >>共 115
hit 20.48%
miss 15.86%
shoot 11.23%
make 4.85%
nail 2.64%
drain 2.42%
take 2.42%
launch 1.98%
stick 1.54%
bury 1.32%
drain + n. >>共 434
pasta 4.58%
fluid 4.31%
money 3.66%
water 3.59%
resource 2.29%
bean 2.16%
blood 2.09%
potato 1.63%
fund 1.57%
lake 1.44%
jumper 0.72%
每页显示:    共 11