11.   A spokesman from the office said the subsequent analysis of the stains by a team of experts showed they were caused by blood from a cut finger.

12.   Broughton has said the breathing apparatus supplying Tony with oxygen became blocked while surgeons fixed his cut finger.

13.   Broughton said the breathing apparatus supplying Tony with oxygen became blocked while surgeons fixed his cut finger.

14.   Simpson had a cut finger which his defense has explained in various ways.

n. + finger >>共 55
trigger 28.03%
pinky 11.46%
pinkie 9.55%
cut 8.92%
time 3.18%
rubber 1.91%
police 1.27%
cake 1.27%
foam 1.27%
keyboard 1.27%
cut + n. >>共 432
plan 5.18%
proposal 4.57%
fastball 4.42%
side 4.12%
rate 3.43%
cost 2.90%
lip 2.36%
package 2.21%
bill 2.06%
tax 1.30%
finger 1.07%
每页显示:    共 14