11.   But Vietcombank has also applied to join the Visa and Mastercard organizations in order to issue the credit cards itself, she said.

12.   Credit cards to buy castoffs?

n. + card >>共 41
credit 20.34%
baseball 5.08%
identity 5.08%
business 3.39%
red 3.39%
stupid 3.39%
charge 1.69%
cheque 1.69%
el 1.69%
go 1.69%
credit + v. >>共 209
be 29.92%
go 10.46%
roll 3.21%
include 2.28%
belong 2.17%
help 1.97%
become 1.76%
card 1.24%
come 1.24%
dry_up 1.24%
每页显示:    共 12