credit be 19.03   Credit is due.
  credit go 6.65   All credit goes to her.
  credit roll 2.04   They drive off, and the credits roll.
  credit include 1.45   The credits include muffed outtakes, so stick around.
  credit belong 1.38   Some credit belongs to Bragg.
  credit help 1.25   A tax credit might help in this regard.
  credit become 1.12   Credit has become tight, he added.
  credit card 0.79   And the credit card number?
  credit come 0.79   Have we got a credit to come?
  credit dry_up 0.79   This caused bank deposits to plummet and credit to dry up.
  credit apply 0.72   The credit also applies to some veterans.
  credit have 0.72   Neither credit has an age limit.
  credit make 0.59   A compassion tax credit can make that happen.
  credit offset 0.59   Credits offset taxes dollar for dollar.
  credit tighten 0.59   Credit is tightening.
  credit need 0.53   Glass, they say, neither seeks nor needs much credit.
  credit reduce 0.53   Credits directly reduce the tax itself.
  credit finance 0.46   Bank credit had financed the bull market, and for a time people were scared.
  credit get 0.46   But in the real world, credit was still getting tighter.
  credit grow 0.46   Credit had grown more slowly than in other countries, and there was less indication of a bubble.
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