11.   Concerned parents feared losing their children to a strange cult.

12.   Concerned parents park their embarrassing kids here to be straightened out.

13.   Elaine Kamienny, owner and director of a Kids R Kids in Marietta, said concerned parents have approached her about the possibility of their children catching E. coli.

14.   For district officials, a dip in the number of telephone calls they get from concerned parents is no reason to pretend their schools are OK.

15.   He also spends much of his own time tutoring his students after school without pay, and returning phone calls from concerned parents.

16.   He later said it was the responsibility of concerned parents not to smoke around children.

17.   How is a concerned parent to sort out the most important factors in making the decision?

18.   I admire truly concerned parents, but this overprotectiveness has gotten to the point of pointless fetishism.

19.   I got invited because, I guess, of my career, but I am here as a concerned parent.

20.   In both the Bogside and the Fountain, concerned parents took their children to spend the weekend with relatives outside the city.

a. + parent >>共 1215
foster 5.30%
single 4.87%
adoptive 4.11%
working 3.13%
new 2.41%
biological 2.32%
elderly 2.26%
prospective 1.60%
worried 1.31%
corporate 1.23%
concerned 0.88%
concerned + n. >>共 261
citizen 7.67%
party 7.67%
parent 7.67%
investor 2.21%
resident 1.92%
authority 1.92%
country 1.77%
consumer 1.77%
neighbor 1.62%
agency 1.47%
每页显示:    共 52