11.   The problem was compounded by employment growth in London.

12.   This practical problem is compounded by the fact that we can not clearly see features that are located far from the equator.

13.   To compound the problem, a drop in battery power corrupted the software programme which controlled the radio itself.

14.   What is more, the remedy advised is likely to compound the problem.

15.   You risk hugely compounding the problem by getting caught in half-truths.

16.   The problem is compounded by the medical system here.

17.   The problems were compounded by a shortage of coal and natural gas and uncertainty over supplies of oil from the former Soviet Union.

18.   If the images themselves are changing in time, as in the case of animations or motion video, the problem is compounded.

19.   This experiment shows how different components can work together to compound a problem.

20.   The problem will be compounded if the demand curve shifts to the right, due, say, to a consumer spending boom.

v. + problem >>共 361
have 22.63%
solve 9.06%
cause 5.52%
face 3.36%
address 2.77%
create 2.61%
pose 2.36%
fix 2.32%
resolve 2.12%
discuss 1.64%
compound 1.39%
compound + n. >>共 276
problem 36.27%
difficulty 4.00%
situation 2.56%
matter 2.40%
error 2.32%
trouble 1.68%
woe 1.68%
mistake 1.60%
interest 1.20%
damage 1.12%
每页显示:    共 450