1.   American mistakes were compounded by U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who allowed the United Nations to become embroiled in local clan feuds, compromising its neutrality.

2.   And in doing so, they compounded their mistakes into something that was not only wrong, but dangerous.

3.   Avalanche goalie Patrick Roy had just high-sticked Paul Kariya and compounded his mistake by slamming his stick to the ice and drawing an unsportsmanlike penalty.

4.   But he said the United States is compounding the mistake by treating all refugees equally and urging them to go home.

5.   But that mistake was painfully compounded by a lack of focus and near-desperate attempts to sell equipment by offering ever-steeper discounts.

6.   But we should, most of the time, because to do otherwise is to compound the mistake that started the bad ball rolling.

7.   Compounding the mistake, according to the officials, was the initiative taken by the officer who located the target.

8.   Escaping from the penalty box, Hatcher compounded his mistake by getting his pocket picked by Ron Sutter seconds after the ensuing faceoff.

9.   For those with well-honed swings, like most touring pros, the danger of compounding swing mistakes is minimal when compared to that of amateur players.

10.   Hessler compounded that mistake by throwing a gift interception on the next play.

v. + mistake >>共 282
make 67.74%
correct 2.68%
admit 2.53%
avoid 2.51%
repeat 2.19%
realize 1.74%
acknowledge 1.28%
discover 0.91%
catch 0.63%
eliminate 0.57%
compound 0.39%
compound + n. >>共 276
problem 36.27%
difficulty 4.00%
situation 2.56%
matter 2.40%
error 2.32%
trouble 1.68%
woe 1.68%
mistake 1.60%
interest 1.20%
damage 1.12%
每页显示:    共 20