11.   Both companies are testing the concept and may expand Net access to other stores.

12.   But she said that when the company tested the cable with the new lubricant at room temperature, it failed.

13.   But the company has been testing supermarket sales in Portland, Ore., and executives are considering a test in other cities, Schultz said.

14.   Congress last year revised the law governing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to make it financially advantageous for pharmaceutical companies to test drugs on children.

15.   Companies are testing their libraries of compounds on human cells and tissues in automated labs that can process thousands of tests in a day.

16.   Critics charge that gentically engineered foods get to market far too easily because the FDA allows companies to test the product themselves.

17.   Drug companies generally test prospective products on adults and seek approval from the FDA to market them for adults.

18.   Fierce disputes have erupted over a proposal by President Clinton that would require drug companies to test their products in children before putting new medicines on the market.

19.   For now, the company has only tested the foam on Grace-made asbestos material.

20.   First, the company tested their best call center workers to learn what personality characteristics correlated with top performance.

n. + test >>共 766
company 5.54%
researcher 3.63%
scientist 2.44%
athlete 2.35%
official 2.04%
doctor 1.91%
player 1.86%
team 1.42%
swimmer 1.29%
lab 1.15%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
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offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
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test 0.11%
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