1.   American, West German and Chinese athletes all have tested positive for steroids over the years.

2.   Earlier, the entire Romanian weight-lifting team was expelled after two athletes had tested positive for nandrolone before the Games.

3.   Extreme athletes test their mettle by jumping out of planes, soaring off mountains, diving to the ocean floor, racing down hills, and climbing rock faces.

4.   In the past two years, more and more international athletes have tested positive for nandrolone and argued that they had no idea they were taking a banned drug.

5.   Only one athlete has tested positive, Exum said, which made him question the effectiveness of catching cheaters.

6.   People like Pound say this is the biggest problem in elite competition with supplements, and yet few athletes test positive.

7.   Ten other Chinese athletes also tested positive for the anabolic steriod DHT, which American officials saw as confirmation of systematic, widespread drug use.

8.   To test positive for EPO, an athlete must test positive in both the blood and urine samples.

9.   A Saudi Arabian athlete tested positive for drugs and was stripped of gold and silver medals that he won last week at the Arab Games, officials said Sunday.

10.   All three athletes purportedly tested positive for banned performance-enhancing drugs, including testosterone, during the Olympic trials at Atlanta last June.

n. + test >>共 766
company 5.54%
researcher 3.63%
scientist 2.44%
athlete 2.35%
official 2.04%
doctor 1.91%
player 1.86%
team 1.42%
swimmer 1.29%
lab 1.15%
athlete + v. >>共 636
be 16.90%
have 6.44%
use 2.56%
compete 2.28%
do 2.17%
take 1.99%
get 1.62%
say 1.57%
test 1.51%
make 1.48%
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