11.   American companies have built the fastest computers for most of the past decade.

12.   An American company is building one, though the strict new Federal rules forced it to limit its original goals.

13.   And a new engine the company is building for a consortium of defense contractors will be the first to use space-age alloys.

14.   And the company will build supercharged R editions for each line.

15.   And timber companies will still build roads, using their own money, to take logging trucks and other equipment into the woods.

16.   Another Renong company is building the second bridge between Malaysia and Singapore.

17.   And, says Zubrin, the costs could decrease rapidly as the company builds its business.

18.   As a first step, Bigelow said the company would build an orbiting industrial park to serve companies working in space.

19.   As demand for computer chips surges, people order more than they need to ensure a supply, and companies build more capacity.

20.   At the same time, many Japanese companies are building factories in Asia to take advantage of lower labor and transportation costs.

n. + build >>共 1334
company 7.87%
pressure 5.16%
government 2.44%
tension 1.53%
worker 1.39%
people 1.37%
city 1.35%
developer 1.20%
team 0.97%
money 0.95%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
build 0.32%
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