company build 25.02   Both companies are building a prototype.
  pressure build 16.39   Pressures built.
  government build 7.77   The government built a roadside fish stand.
  tension build 4.87   Tension builds.
  worker build 4.41   Nearby, workers are building a soccer field.
  people build 4.34   People build contrasts.
  city build 4.28   Cities must build.
  developer build 3.82   Developers build.
  team build 3.09   The team has built two different prototypes.
  money build 3.03   Public money built the ballpark.
  group build 2.90   One group built a wooden Humvee.
  momentum build 2.83   Momentum builds.
  state build 2.44   Young wants the states to build passenger rail.
  father build 2.24   My father built me a playhouse.
  family build 2.17   Local families built camps for fishing.
  country build 1.91   The country built its economy on exports.
  firm build 1.91   German industrial firms built the first line.
  man build 1.84   -- A man builds a house.
  plant build 1.84   This plant also builds complex black boxes.
  student build 1.84   Students build cobblestone barricades.
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