11.   Throughout the country change was coming quickly, barriers tumbling down.

12.   Change was coming, but at a glacial pace.

13.   Change will come, but it will take time.

14.   The changes come after mounting criticism that the government is weak and indecisive.

15.   According to one military observer, this change comes after years of planning.

16.   Changes are coming faster and faster --- in a sense change has become a way of life.

17.   The changes came after several weeks of pressure on the President to reshuffle the government.

18.   A strange change had come over Leo in the last week or so.

19.   These changes come under the name metabolism.

20.   The real changes have come in disposal of the stuff.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
announcement 1.40%
people 1.19%
move 1.18%
decision 1.11%
money 1.03%
attack 0.91%
report 0.77%
change 0.77%
call 0.64%
change + v. >>共 398
be 40.20%
come 6.16%
have 3.01%
take 2.84%
make 2.41%
occur 1.88%
affect 1.79%
include 1.60%
mean 1.59%
require 1.18%
每页显示:    共 721