11.   They really believe this stuff about cowboys.

12.   Who could have watched Warner this season and actually believe that stuff?

v. + stuff >>共 468
have 8.52%
do 5.59%
strut 4.93%
know 4.26%
buy 3.76%
get 2.93%
show 2.77%
sell 2.32%
take 2.10%
throw 1.72%
believe 0.66%
believe + n. >>共 793
story 2.75%
eye 2.27%
worst 1.74%
luck 1.74%
people 1.56%
hype 1.26%
thing 1.20%
claim 1.20%
word 1.14%
account 1.08%
stuff 0.72%
每页显示:    共 12