believe story 3.03   Zina believes his story.
  believe eye 2.50   I could not believe my eyes.
  believe luck 1.91   He could hardly believe his luck.
  believe worst 1.91   So they believed the worst.
  believe people 1.71   I still like people, and I still believe people.
  believe hype 1.38   Believe the hype.
  believe claim 1.32   Dare you believe advertising claims?
  believe thing 1.32   Everyone knew he believed things strongly.
  believe word 1.25   I believed every word.
  believe account 1.18   Aziz said he believed their account.
  believe report 1.18   No one believed my reports.
  believe allegation 0.92   Police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said police believe the allegations.
  believe charge 0.92   But he has no reason to believe the charges either.
  believe rumor 0.92   Salinger still seems to believe the rumor.
  believe president 0.86   For his part, Sweet believes the president.
  believe one 0.79   Which one do we believe?
  believe stuff 0.79   Can we believe this stuff?
  believe lie 0.72   How could you believe his lies?
  believe man 0.72   Police did not say how many men were believed hiding in the cave.
  believe testimony 0.72   No one on the committee seemed to believe the testimony.
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