101.   Cleanup work there began a year ago.

102.   Construction work will begin at the end of this year.

103.   Construction workers have been on the job since May, and demolition work has already begun.

104.   Culture Minister Esperanza Aguirre said after the results were announced that the government did not know when a final design would be chosen and work would begin.

105.   David Barnes, a spokesman for the inspector general, said that the agency had approved the use of the testing laboratory before the work began.

106.   Despite drought, work began this summer, starting with a consultation with a garden designer.

107.   Davis wants that work to begin now.

108.   Development work for VentureStar began in July.

109.   Essentially the real work began about four years ago when they decided to gut the living room and dining room.

110.   Exterior work already has begun.

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work + v. >>共 784
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