101.   The study includes all figures from plaintiff awards that LRP could collect from every state but is not a comprehensive database of every award nationwide.

102.   The study will include measuring the size and distribution of wildlife populations and evaluating animal habitat, the newspaper said.

103.   The study also included Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Sacramento, Calif., and has since spread to Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago and Phoenix.

104.   The study did not include acupuncture.

105.   The study included nine patients, eight of whom had marked easing of rigidity and slow movement during the stimulation.

106.   The study included no women, and it would be hard to translate the results to females because of the physical differences between the sexes, Williams said.

107.   The study will include the impact on the existing curriculum, syllabus, public examinations and the recognition of degrees, if courses were lengthened.

108.   Though the study included only children with inflammation in at least five joints, the drug also may work for other types of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

109.   This study includes sports that do not have equipment, including cheerleading and running.

110.   Those studies also included the cost of modernizing the military of the new countries.

n. + include >>共 1161
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symptom 1.06%
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study 0.25%
study + v. >>共 367
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