101.   Gore, who has made no secret of his interest in running, would enter the race with a huge advantage in fund-raising ability and name recognition.

102.   Hastert made no guarantee, but Davis said the letter helped him persuade Dickey to enter the race against Rep. Mike Ross.

103.   He entered two races last year, but the car needed more power.

104.   Hatch entered the race late, about seven months ago.

105.   He also entered the race for Dakota County attorney and won, though he was hospitalized with tuberculosis for much of the campaign.

106.   He did not officially enter the race until October, however, and he was recently raising money in California.

107.   He said he is meeting with advisers and activists and probably would make a decision on whether to enter the race by the second week of January.

108.   He entered each race knowing that the resources of his team gave him no chance to win.

109.   He entered the race for mayor, he said, because he wanted to give some thing back to a city he loves.

110.   He has indicated previously that he thinks California Gov. Pete Wilson is likely to enter the race.

v. + race >>共 622
win 20.63%
enter 6.90%
run 4.23%
finish 3.32%
lose 3.07%
hold 2.05%
lead 1.97%
start 1.86%
watch 1.80%
quit 1.37%
enter + n. >>共 811
country 5.79%
plea 4.74%
game 3.51%
market 3.16%
building 2.54%
race 2.41%
room 2.11%
area 1.71%
house 1.52%
politics 1.48%
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