101.   In a throwback to the days of Confucius, Jiang essentially wants party members to discover the joys of clean living.

102.   In consequence we must grow harder, more ruthless than we were in the days of ease.

103.   In earlier days of Diversionary, Peterson said, actors feared being typed if they took roles in a gay theater.

104.   In particular, on days of ill-omen ships could not set sail.

105.   In the early days of archaeology, the dividing line between archaeologists and treasure hunters was all but invisible.

106.   In the early days of the Bonn Republic members of the higher courts freely invoked a revived Natural Law.

107.   In the first few days of trading this year, nervous investors have already punished high-technology companies that have reported disappointing earnings.

108.   In the golden days of cinema, feuds often erupted between roguish directors and powerful studio heads.

109.   In the good old days of rampant dualism, the mind was rarely mentioned in polite society.

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number 2.42%
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day + p. >>共 73
of 40.84%
in 12.20%
for 7.00%
at 4.58%
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on 4.38%
as 3.76%
after 3.36%
before 2.85%
to 2.57%
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