91.   The two have played on the same forward line for seven seasons and shared MVP honors in the Swedish Elite League last season.

92.   The two have played once before, at the German Open in Berlin last year.

93.   The two only played once.

94.   The two will be playing in the second leg of the Malaysian series at Port Dickson Golf and Country Club next week.

95.   The two will play in the next-to-last twosome Sunday, just in front of Woods and Weir, the left-hander with the quirky shot routine.

96.   The two also play Saturday on the last day of preliminary games.

97.   The two have played too long and too often, and they are too good for one to run away from the other.

98.   The two have since played once, when Mauresmo beat Hingis at the Gaz de France indoor tournament in Paris.

99.   The two never played football together because an injury prevented Cutcliffe from actually competing at Alabama.

100.   The two play each other on Saturday in Prague with the Czechs ahead by the slimmest of goal difference.

n. + play >>共 1277
team 11.01%
child 3.00%
band 2.59%
player 1.90%
kid 1.36%
woman 1.22%
guy 1.12%
people 1.04%
chance 1.00%
music 0.99%
two 0.78%
two + v. >>共 635
be 20.13%
meet 5.33%
have 5.18%
discuss 2.01%
go 1.94%
agree 1.72%
become 1.37%
say 1.31%
talk 1.21%
speak 1.14%
play 1.06%
每页显示:    共 123