91.   Moreover, the screens are good-looking and easy to read, and the program works surprisingly swiftly for a CD-ROM.

92.   Most folks know how loyalty programs work.

93.   New England Electric System, which provides electric service to cities in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, illustrates how an international program might work.

94.   Much of the activity has been stimulated or guided by a new generation of Republican governors, whose careers depend on making the programs work.

95.   Niagara Mohawk offers an illustration of how the existing program works.

96.   Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. in New York state offers an illustration of how the current sulfur dioxide program works.

97.   Noble, the GAE president, maintains the program would work only if the trainees have a year-long internship before taking over their own class.

98.   Objective measures indicate the program is working, although some of the improvements have been modest.

99.   Observers say it is too early to tell whether the Texas program is working.

100.   Of course, the program is working under tight constraints.

n. + work >>共 1142
system 2.89%
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government 1.49%
team 1.18%
man 1.09%
group 1.02%
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program 0.88%
program + v. >>共 667
be 24.79%
have 4.23%
include 2.76%
help 2.03%
provide 1.85%
allow 1.69%
work 1.54%
begin 1.46%
offer 1.44%
run 1.07%
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