91.   The original petition, the boldest sign of dissent in years, demanded the government release all political prisoners and re-evaluate its condemnation of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement.

92.   The Nigerian military is largely made up of Hausa-Fulani northerners while the democracy movement is mainly lead by southern Yorubas.

93.   The Scandinavian country has been very sympathetic to the Burmese democracy movement, and is host to a Burmese pro-democracy shortwave radio station.

94.   The protests, the largest since the massive Tiananmen Square democracy movement was violently suppressed ten years ago, ended Tuesday.

95.   The SPDC continues to tighten its screws on the democracy movement.

96.   The SLORC has been widely condemned by Western governments and human rights organizations for systematic abuses and repressing the democracy movement led by Suu Kyi.

97.   The Solidarity democracy movement won all but one seat that the communists made available for the nationwide opposition in the parliament.

98.   Those who remain active in the democracy movement lobby for the release of prisoners like Wei and for political reforms in their homeland.

99.   Two weeks later, Suu Kyi made her first public speech, emerging as the leading voice of the democracy movement.

100.   When Chinese tanks crushed the democracy movement at great loss of life, Hong Kong supporters felt rage and disappointment.

n. + movement >>共 841
troop 8.32%
rebel 7.69%
independence 4.41%
labor 4.22%
opposition 3.88%
guerrilla 3.63%
reform 2.80%
youth 2.07%
price 2.01%
resistance 1.98%
democracy 1.81%
democracy + n. >>共 112
activist 21.57%
campaigner 17.58%
movement 16.99%
advocate 7.09%
leader 5.91%
group 3.25%
work 1.48%
demonstrator 1.33%
protest 1.18%
talk 0.74%
每页显示:    共 114