troop movement 34.89   Troop movement plans?
  rebel movement 32.26   Peru has two armed rebel movements.
  independence movement 18.50   Albanians want stronger independence movement.
  labor movement 17.71   Had this really once been a labor movement?
  opposition movement 16.26   Opposition movement falls apart.
  guerrilla movement 15.21   His guerrilla movement ended in failure and death.
  reform movement 11.72   ...the demise of the reform movement.
  youth movement 8.69   Youth movement?
  price movement 8.43   Brokers said share price movements were mixed.
  resistance movement 8.29   We are an Islamic resistance movement.
  protest movement 8.10   Still, the protest movement spread.
  student movement 8.10   Thus, we saw fragmented student movements.
  democracy movement 7.57   We link the democracy movement to drugs.
  militia movement 5.99   And the militia movement is now closely watched.
  right movement 5.99   Doll promoted as voice of gay rights movement.
  ball movement 5.53   The ball movement was blinding.
  peace movement 5.20   Israeli peace movement gears up again.
  currency movement 5.13   Track currency movements, too.
  liberation movement 5.07   ...a mass liberation movement.
  secessionist movement 4.28   There is no secessionist movement in Dade.
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