91.   Bush also said dramatic change within the Palestinian Authority is needed before progress toward peace can be made.

92.   Bush said dramatic change within the Palestinian Authority is needed before progress toward peace can be made.

93.   But U.N. officials and Western diplomats said that barring dramatic changes within Iraq, it was unlikely that sanctions would be further relaxed in the foreseeable future.

94.   Furthermore, U.N. officials and Western diplomats say that barring dramatic changes within Iraq, it is also unlikely that sanctions will be further relaxed in the foreseeable future.

95.   He is working on a third, which will focus on managing change within government organisations.

96.   He added that IT is being used as a catalyst to bring about changes within MAS as it is facing tremendous competition externally.

97.   However, changes within a culture are those which are produced by the participants of that culture.

98.   It fell to Dr. Carey to restore diplomatic relations between state and church and to seek to manage change within the Anglican community without prompting a serious schism.

99.   Kerry, chairman of a Senate Commerce subcommittee on the oceans, said he will hold congressional hearings on climate change within the next month.

100.   Meanwhile, there were signs of change within the Communist Party.

n. + within >>共 1410
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change + p. >>共 70
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to 11.59%
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on 2.00%
as 1.22%
with 1.02%
by 0.99%
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