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My view on bravery

What is "bravery"?
As we all know,differents people have differents attitude about it.For example,when a girl fall in love,she will do something to make the lover happy.In my eye,this is very bravery.But for some one,they don't think so.
In my opinion,whatever you say now can't make up for what you've done.Bravery is what you do,not what you say.When you face the difficult in the life,what you will do?Unhappy or fight it?If you love a girl,you tell her or choose not?If we want to do the best,we must be bravery.To do what you want,not only say the beautiful word all the day.We should solove the problem one by one.
All in all,the bravery is try our best.

[460561]My View on Bravery
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Bravery". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    
1. 大家对勇敢有不同的看法;
2. 你对勇敢的定义;
3. 如何做一个勇敢的人。"
bravery, firemen, soldiers, policmen, protect others, service, aid, face difficulties, solve problem, helpful for people, definition of bravery, brave person
