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My View on Trust

It is a simple question that to speak about trust to me. I tought trust is very importent to everyone, it make things go easier with trustment. For example, when you face to severe problems at the same time at work, you must call for help to your workmates which worth to be trusted. The more people you trust, the easier hard time will go away.
In this situation, you must be trusted by your friends too, because you will have more friends if you are worth to trusted yourself. But how to become a person that worth everyone to trust? As I said, it is a very simple quetion, just do your job by heart, make your friends by heart, help people by heart, then you will become a man who worth to be trusted.
Hope my view on trust will help you my friend.

[460635]My View on Trust
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Trust". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 
1. 信任的好处;
2. 如何做一个值得他人信任的人。
truthful , reliable, responsibility, benefits of thrust, be loved by people, absence of trust, dishonesty, fail to trust people, crucial in maitaining a good relationship,credit crisis, disbelief, threat to building a harmonious society,trust is of great significance, to be a man trustworthy
