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With the developmeng of the connetion with west contries. May Chinese people for get the tranditional Chinese festival. At the same time, people like to celebrate the West frestivl instead. To my opnion, it's wrong. Fist of all, it's our obility to trasact the traditional chinese festival to the next generation. If we forgot our traditionla chinese festival, only celebrating west festival, how can we tell our son to remenber our tradition. Secondly, tradtional chinese frestilval is our coutual. we sould stick on it. Last but not the least, only we stick on our traditional chinese frestival our coutual, we can show our histroy to the west contries. let then know more about China. In conclution that, we should not forget our trandition, we should stay on it. Bradcast it to the world.

[460558]Why Should We Celebrate Chinese Traditional Festival?
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Why Should We Celebrate Chinese Traditional Festival?". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    
1. 很多人忘记了中国传统节日;
2. 很多人更喜欢庆祝西方节日;
3. 你的态度。
forget, Chinese traditional festival, celebrate, Western festival, worship western culture, abandon Chinese culture, heritage, globalization, my attitude, learn from Western festival, reinforce the celebration of Chinese festival
