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My View on Trust
If you asks me"What is the benifit of the trust?",i will tell you there are many things good for you when you become a trustman in society.When you have any difficult things cannot fix by youself,the people who know you will helf you to fix that .Because he ro she trust you,they donnot worry about you have a bad heart to theyself.On the other hands,you also will helf the people who has difficult things in their life.

In China,every people were teacthed be a honest man when they are young.Each people know if when you do everything or say everything with they are heart by honest,they will get the trust from everyone.

Be a trustman,it can make the people`s relasiongship more beautiful.

[460635]My View on Trust
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Trust". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 
1. 信任的好处;
2. 如何做一个值得他人信任的人。
truthful , reliable, responsibility, benefits of thrust, be loved by people, absence of trust, dishonesty, fail to trust people, crucial in maitaining a good relationship,credit crisis, disbelief, threat to building a harmonious society,trust is of great significance, to be a man trustworthy
