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Right Attitude Toward Success
Lots of peoples are unable to regain the best scources after success,why?
Theres are some reasons Firstly ,May be be their are afraid the failture,and cann't bear of losing the honor of the success had bring for.This will cause they lost the power and confidence ,if you worry so much what your will be lost,that your can beyond yourselif .Secondly some of the peopole will prade and they think:" i am the best in the world ,no one can beyond me and that thet are no longer to word hard.As we know practice make perfect.
What is the right attitude toward success?different people have different answer of this question,In my opinion,failture is normaly in our daily life,you don't need to worry about it what you can do is that try your best to do everthing .

[460557]Right Attitude Toward Success
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Right Attitude Toward Success". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 不少人在获得成功后难以保持佳绩;
2. 原因是什么;
3. 你认为在取得成功之后,应该具有怎样的态度。
success, keep record, pressure, live up to high expectation, fail, psychological burden, right attitude to success, worship, honor, in face of failure, loser,keep on working hard
