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Why Should We Celebrate Chinese Traditional Festival
Today,the life rhythem in the city is more and more quickly,the people is lives with the high pressure,the varietly of the festival was appeared in the people's eyesight.the westen and the unnamed commercial festival.This kind of festival is used to promote the sales of the goods,is not good for our traditional culture.
Celebrate the traditional Festival ,can make the people remember the motherland's excellent culture,let us remember that we are chinese,we have the same mark in our habit.we are all celebrate our traditional festival.One the other hand ,that celebrate the traditional festival can make the foreigner furtherstep understand our traditional culture.

[460558]Why Should We Celebrate Chinese Traditional Festival?
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Why Should We Celebrate Chinese Traditional Festival?". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    
1. 很多人忘记了中国传统节日;
2. 很多人更喜欢庆祝西方节日;
3. 你的态度。
forget, Chinese traditional festival, celebrate, Western festival, worship western culture, abandon Chinese culture, heritage, globalization, my attitude, learn from Western festival, reinforce the celebration of Chinese festival
