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Beauty is the best thing in the world. Everybody want to be a beautiful person. Beautiful appreance can make the person more confidence, good relationships. But in my opoinion, the most improtantly, heart beauty is better than the appreance beauty.

For example, a common driver had been driving the bus which was sitted 37 people on the high speed road in the last year.Suddenly, a melt was flying face the bus. Then through the glass which is front of the driver, even the driver's body. After that a lot of blood was out of the body. But the driver insistance on the pain. He drived the bus to the side of the safety road, then opened the door and asked the people dropped down the bus. After that he lost of the though and lay on the ground. People called the 120 and 110, when the policeman came here and carried his out to the hospital. Everybody was crying. He saved the full people who sitted the bus.

In the end, the driver was died. but he life in ours heart. He is one of the beauty people in the world. If we have more beauty people such as the driver. The world will be becoming beautifully.

[460560]My View on Beauty
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on  Beauty". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:  
1. 大家对美有不同的看法;
2. 你对美的定义;
3. 举例说明。
different attitudes to beauty, beautiful appearance, inner beauty, outward beauty, morality, Lei Feng , example, model of beauty, spirit
