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What is Real Beauty
With the rapid development ,many people in society are become more and more beautiful. They think the apparence of poeple is very important. For example, nowadays, a number of companys will look on the interviewers's face in the first. As well as the hospitle. There is a word,the first impression on your brain is your apparence. As a matter of fact,what you wear and what you put on the bag,and so on.
On the other hand,other people think that the heart of people is more important. Such as kindness,helpness and always smile when you shffer from boring. In addiction, someone need to help on the street,if you put your hand to him, he must be very greatful to you. Then you will be more happier than just go long with the street,right?
In my personel opinion,i think they are the same important to me.It is not only just have the apparence but also your heart is sweet. At last,we can read more books to make our perfect.

[460912]What is Real Beauty?
 You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "What is Real Beauty". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 很多人认为外表美重要;
2. 有人说心灵美重要;
3. 你的看法。
beauty of appearance,different attitudes to beauty, inner beauty, morality, Lei Feng , example, model of beauty, spirit, the beauty lying in one's heart , embodied in actions and deeds
