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On TV Advertisement
With the time pass. Every famiry has a television or more,most of people will choose watch TV on free time with his or her families ang friends.we kown ,TV advertisement ususlly get into our eyes when we watch television,sometimes we will be attracted by a wondderful advertisement ,but sometise we also hate that a helpless a advertisement occupy our vision.
AS a advertiment.we can get some new products had produced in time and kown something had happened in recent days .However, on the orthe hand,if the ad is a helpless eeven a harmful masage ,it no only waste our time ,but also lead people to get a lot of trouble.
Personally speaking, I miantain that as a citizen we should clearly distinguish a advertiment deliver the masage is good or bad for us,as our goverment ,they must ban the harmful ad on TV.Only the both of citizen and goverment corllapasion,we can get a harmory social.

[460647]On TV Advertisement
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "On TV Advertisement". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    1. 现在电视播放广告很普遍;
2. 广告的好处和坏处;
3. 你的建议。
Tv advertisment, conmon, popular, advantage, a good means for manufacturer to publicize the products,a good way to display the merits of goods, get more consumers, first to know the new products, entertaining , relieving, disadvantage, false information about products, misleading consumer, dishonest competitions, aviod the disadvantage, make good use of advertisment
