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what is real beauty
The topic of what is real beauty opinoin more and more popular recent .There are two sides of opinion about it .some peopel think outsaid beauty is their favorite .their has reason is outside beauty that make people seeing fell very good on the daily .what more is outside beauty that take believe by himself . moreever outside beauty that take happy on meet bad everything time.
while other people think heart beauty is their better choice .their has third reason .firstly, heart beauty that make knows attidued is better .secondly ,heart beauty that make knows excit can help other peopel in daily .third, heart beauty can make peopel felling happy.
In my opinion ,I fell heart beauty is better choice ,because heart beauty can make more and more fell love ,also ,can help other people by byshef able. l hope everyboby shuold fell heart beauty in the daily. we world can very better.

[460912]What is Real Beauty?
 You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "What is Real Beauty". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 很多人认为外表美重要;
2. 有人说心灵美重要;
3. 你的看法。
beauty of appearance,different attitudes to beauty, inner beauty, morality, Lei Feng , example, model of beauty, spirit, the beauty lying in one's heart , embodied in actions and deeds
