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Early Rising
This is a discussion today about the issue of early rising. People who get up late so that they will late for school, late for the meeting and so on.
And we'll curious why?
As far as I am concerned, accompliy the electronics development, people will scan the web or talk on wechat when they go to bed. So that forget the time when they chatting very happer. But some student they like to study after relex. And they usually like to study at midnight, because it more silent. Another people like white coler who want to finish the job in one day, so they'll chose do the overtime after off.
But no matter what reson you have, it's not good for your health to sleeping late and get up late. People should be arrangment you schedule so that you can get up early and your life will be easyer. You can also remind yourself to go to bed early and get up early. While the early can be difficult to start , once it's started, it's easy to continue, so that you can work energetic all day and keeping on doing early brings us good attitude of mind, which is important for our health.

[460910]Early Rising
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Early Rising". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 早起的人越来越少了;
2. 造成这种现象的原因有哪些;
3. 人们应该怎么做。
less and less people rise early, go to bed late, overwork, unhealthy life styles, early rise keep people fit, plan a day's work, good biginning of a day, get rid of bad habits, cultivate the habits of early rising
