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Why should we Celebrate Chinese Traditinonal Festival?
People in China pay more attention to celebrate the festival of The Est Nations nowaedays. With the fast development of conditions of the material lives, people are ejoying lives better and better but some of people sepecially teenagers even forget to celebrate our traditional festival at times.
There are many reasons for some people prefer to celebrate the other festivas, like Christmas. Firs, they think is much more pupular and interest to have the day with their frends. second, with the internet and TV there are more advertisement to attact more teenager take part in.
Aa far as i am concernd, we must sincerelly to concern Chinese Thraditiona Fastival. We are Chinese,we should love our mother land and

[460558]Why Should We Celebrate Chinese Traditional Festival?
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Why Should We Celebrate Chinese Traditional Festival?". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    
1. 很多人忘记了中国传统节日;
2. 很多人更喜欢庆祝西方节日;
3. 你的态度。
forget, Chinese traditional festival, celebrate, Western festival, worship western culture, abandon Chinese culture, heritage, globalization, my attitude, learn from Western festival, reinforce the celebration of Chinese festival
