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What is Real Beauty

Nowadays some people think beautiful or cool is importent . For exampale ,if a girl is so beautiful and when she stand on the street , nearest boys will look at her long and long time ,the same, a cool boy is welcome .
But many people do not think that, they believe sweet heart is more importengt than that. If you have a sweet heart you will help somebody and you can do so many things that the people need. Having did the things , you will become very welcome. According to this ,sweet heart is so importent.
In my opinion, if a person only choose one of them .I will choose the sweet heart, becase that I think the sweet heart can change many people's lives, let them work and live better. Do this is my faverite tings, I believe that if every people have a sweet heart the wrold will be better and better.

[460912]What is Real Beauty?
 You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "What is Real Beauty". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 很多人认为外表美重要;
2. 有人说心灵美重要;
3. 你的看法。
beauty of appearance,different attitudes to beauty, inner beauty, morality, Lei Feng , example, model of beauty, spirit, the beauty lying in one's heart , embodied in actions and deeds
