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Early Rising
As the economic developing,more and more people do not get up early, secapely the students of university.
There three reasons cause it,in my opinion. firstly,a number of people have lost of adventence in the evening,like KTV paying sports shopping.If they have fun with it,they do not remember what is the time and how tired of themself. Scendly, many parents don not go to bed on the right time,so the children also have the habit as they parent.Thirtly, the stree of the society making the people tired and lazy,have lost time to sleep is so comfotable.
As far as concensed, we must find a right way to release our stress, do not depend on the sleep.Having a good regualted time is the most benefict of us.

[460910]Early Rising
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Early Rising". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 早起的人越来越少了;
2. 造成这种现象的原因有哪些;
3. 人们应该怎么做。
less and less people rise early, go to bed late, overwork, unhealthy life styles, early rise keep people fit, plan a day's work, good biginning of a day, get rid of bad habits, cultivate the habits of early rising
