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What is Real Beauty
As we known,the people who is handsome or pertty it can make he or she get more things like the friendships.So,lots of people thinks that the outside beauty is more important than the inside beauty.
However,the others people thinks is difference.They thinks,the people who differen form the animauls is we know what is love,honney and lot of some thing like that.In they opoion,the inside beauty is more important than the ousides.
In my mind,I agree whit the seconds,the insides beauty is important than the ousides.Generally speaking,have a nice face it can make a good feelling when we first meet,and it is easy to make a firendships with each others.But we know,deep friendship is not easy,it must give loves and honney,can make people comfortable.
So,I thinks that the inside beauty is real beauty.

[460912]What is Real Beauty?
 You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "What is Real Beauty". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 很多人认为外表美重要;
2. 有人说心灵美重要;
3. 你的看法。
beauty of appearance,different attitudes to beauty, inner beauty, morality, Lei Feng , example, model of beauty, spirit, the beauty lying in one's heart , embodied in actions and deeds
