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Use of Free Time
As we all know that most people have "Free Time",here comes a question:if everyone knows to arrange the "Free Time"well?According to the reaserch,the answer is "no".
We live in a busy societiy,once we have owe time,we must take good use of it.And what can we do?If you like books that you can reading.But if you like sports,it is a nice chioce to play football or bastketball with friends.Besides,you can keep other good habits as you like.
As for me,I'd like to read a favorite book when I have "Free Time",and alway with a cup of coffe.And during the time I am full of happinessa and freedom.Therefore,I will keep on enjoying it.

[460721]Use of Free Time
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Use of Free Time". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 很多人都不懂得怎么安排空余时间;
2. 空闲时间可以阅读、锻炼和培养爱好;
3. 你是怎么做的。
spare time, plan, arrangements, do some reading, do some excercises,participate in activities, cultivate hobbies, making friends, travelling, writing
