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In nowdays,we will find that there is more and more chrilden have losed in computer game Many paraents are busy in earning money that have fewer time to stay with their chrilden .And with the development of the electrolic ,more and more electrolic procduct coming out .so the chrilden only can rely on playing game .
I think the computer game is bad for chrilden.It's bad for eyes and let them hate to study.
To solve this problem there i have two suggestions:First,paraents must stay with theri chrilden more as possible,give them more care.Second,engourage chrilden go out and playing with their friends ,do more sport cxcersise like climbing ,running,biking or do more reading.

[460649]My View on Video Games
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Video Games". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 现在很多孩子沉迷电子游戏;
2. 这对孩子的身体和心理都有影响;
3. 如何解决这个问题。
vedio games, popular among students, addict to, bad influenc on health and psychology, violent games, harmful to children both physically and mentally, undesiralbe consequences, distinguish good or bad vedio games, limit screen time
