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Right Attitude Toward Success
As we all known ,man people acheive success in that time, and then they difficult keep
a excllecce result. In fact that people should efford completely goal ,and adsorb in many times.

But reason why? why penple can not keep success result? proprply concludtion have this renson ,firstly people focus all the sprrit in the resuld but nelect myself positive attituad.Secopndly people can not continius effort. Thirdly people did not go through difficult problems.etc
I lnow that we should have positive attitude ,encourge solve diffcult problems,which can make it myselfe.

[460557]Right Attitude Toward Success
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Right Attitude Toward Success". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 不少人在获得成功后难以保持佳绩;
2. 原因是什么;
3. 你认为在取得成功之后,应该具有怎样的态度。
success, keep record, pressure, live up to high expectation, fail, psychological burden, right attitude to success, worship, honor, in face of failure, loser,keep on working hard
