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ON TV Advertisement
On TV advertisement is very easy too look,because a lot of pepoie was watching TV at home or job`s pieace,and after dinner or weeks. But it take`s some problems.
The goods like :the pepole will recive a lot of new thingd, new massegge,more of knowlage and rexles my body.
The bad is us of a lot of our time too watch TV,and sometime`s not ture,It`s not uesd of our life,mabye somepepole is belive of the TV advertisement,and take a lot of money to bye.
If it is a good TV advertisement , we should to watch,and to good our life,It should be less TV advertisement ,we can make a good watching TV`s time,we will be feel more hapiness.

[460647]On TV Advertisement
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "On TV Advertisement". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    1. 现在电视播放广告很普遍;
2. 广告的好处和坏处;
3. 你的建议。
Tv advertisment, conmon, popular, advantage, a good means for manufacturer to publicize the products,a good way to display the merits of goods, get more consumers, first to know the new products, entertaining , relieving, disadvantage, false information about products, misleading consumer, dishonest competitions, aviod the disadvantage, make good use of advertisment
