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My view on Bravery
My view on Bravery.although henry forrd's name is closely associated with the concept of mass produdion,he shouid receive eaual credit for introduing labor practices.
Therefore,it is important that children,the citizens of the futu,become functionally ac quaintea with science-wtin the process andspirit of science,as well as with its fats and principles forturately scince has a natural appeal for young sters they can relate it to so many that they encounter-flashlights,tools,echoes and rainbows to be based on science.
ln addition,sick leaves as well as inproved medical care for those injured on the job were instutu de.tee ford motor comp ang was one of the fist fa ctories to deevelop a tecnnical school to train specia lized.

[460561]My View on Bravery
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Bravery". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    
1. 大家对勇敢有不同的看法;
2. 你对勇敢的定义;
3. 如何做一个勇敢的人。"
bravery, firemen, soldiers, policmen, protect others, service, aid, face difficulties, solve problem, helpful for people, definition of bravery, brave person
