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Knowledge and Diploma
Recently,it universally acknowledaged that the higher diploma you have,the better life you get.In China,a number of students are desire to studing in the universery and get the diplomas.Some of them may continue to study for higher levels to get the better diplomas.On the countrary,some people think diploma isn't the equivalent to actual abilities .
Personally speaking,I can't agree more to the latter.Diploma doesn't stand for anything and it only refects that you are a person who good at shudy.Someone maybe have an excellent diploma,but they can't solve the problems which they face in thier actual life.For instence,A man possess excellent diploma and he passed the interview to get the job in a good company.For few days later,the manerger find that the man falure to finishing the tasks well.So the manerger fine the man in the end. Such as Li Jia cheng without diploma,however,nobody can egnore his achivements and abilities.
In genernal,diploma isn't the assess standard of people's actual abilities.What we should do is try our best to learn the actual abilities instead of get the higher diploma.

[460650]Knowledge and Diploma
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Knowledge and Diploma". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 目前,社会上有一种说法:文凭越高越好;
2. 但有人认为文凭不等于实际能力;
3. 你的观点。
popular view, man with higher diploma, with more knowledge, pursue high dipolma, diploma does not equal to knowledge, experience of practice, both important, indispensable.
