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Use of Free time
On weekday, workers go for work, students go to classroom. It is the same. But the different of the excllent people and normal people is their free time.
In fact, many people do not know how to spend their free time. After the work or study,some people may watch TV, play computer, play Wechat and so on. It is useless for your life.
So, if you want to be a better man,you can do more helpful things in your free time. For exsample, you can read some calssic books to improve your EQ, do more sport to keep your healthy, or make some good hobby to make more friends. Do not waste your free time.
In my free time, i often go outdoor such as play baskerball with my friends,go hikng. It make me easygoing and i have teamwork spirit. I enjoy my free time vey much.

[460721]Use of Free Time
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Use of Free Time". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 很多人都不懂得怎么安排空余时间;
2. 空闲时间可以阅读、锻炼和培养爱好;
3. 你是怎么做的。
spare time, plan, arrangements, do some reading, do some excercises,participate in activities, cultivate hobbies, making friends, travelling, writing
