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The probiem of late rising have atract more and more attention.Incresiingly peple prefer to rise late and rising early people is less than before.
Why people rise too late .as far as i am concerned, on the hand,many people spent moe and more time on playing phone in the night and go to bed is too late . On the other hand, many people is busy to finish their work in the night and too tired. some people those peple is too tired to rise early to make breakfast or do excises. however,those habit is not good for our health. rising early is importang for our healthy.
Early rising is neccessary and the problem of lately rising have to take measure to slove. Fistlly,we have to go to bed early in night .Secondly, dont spent too many time on computer or mobie phone ,it is harmfui for you health .Last but not lease, we have to relese your bad moond to before go to bed, you will have a good sleeep and risie early. only in this way, can we have a good body.

[460910]Early Rising
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Early Rising". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 早起的人越来越少了;
2. 造成这种现象的原因有哪些;
3. 人们应该怎么做。
less and less people rise early, go to bed late, overwork, unhealthy life styles, early rise keep people fit, plan a day's work, good biginning of a day, get rid of bad habits, cultivate the habits of early rising
