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Nowaday,each family have their TV.We often watch the TV shows,but,there is a probiem we must facing,that is TV advertisement.As we all know,the TV advertisement is ordinary.Turn on the TV,the first sight in your eyes may be the TV advertisement instead of the TV shows.The business men use advertisements to sell their products,to separate their market.
The TV advertisement in our surroudings.May be you dislike it.Because it is too boring.When we watching the TV shows,the advertisements disturbed us.Aiso,the advertisements just tell us about the avatages of their products,some of the advertisement even tell the lies!
But the TV advertisements has its avatages.At lease,it tells us some new products,and it push the selling.
In my opinion,i think the business men should make the real advertisement,they should not tell the lies.And we should clearly look at the advertisement,we should not buy anything without thinking.

[460647]On TV Advertisement
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "On TV Advertisement". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    1. 现在电视播放广告很普遍;
2. 广告的好处和坏处;
3. 你的建议。
Tv advertisment, conmon, popular, advantage, a good means for manufacturer to publicize the products,a good way to display the merits of goods, get more consumers, first to know the new products, entertaining , relieving, disadvantage, false information about products, misleading consumer, dishonest competitions, aviod the disadvantage, make good use of advertisment
